The inner nature, away from the sea, has done for centuries the area of our Designation a remote tract of commercialization, obtaining wines with characteristic and own elements.
Innovations in the grape varieties and production methods. It was the first place in Catalunya where diferent varieties of cabernet sauvignon were introduced, merlot and chardonnay, along with native varieties, and adopted the California winemaking techniques.
During the year 1983: Jaume Siurana, director of Incavi, and Manuel Raventós Artes, general director of Codorniu and Raimat Winery, considered that the excellent wine of the Lleida regions and the tradition of area needed that they were managed by a Control Board at the same time that lead the promotion of the region.
Finally, our Designation of origin was constituted by order of 28-5-86 (DOGC No. 701 of 17-6-86) and ratified by order of 11-5-88 (BOE No. 118 of 17-5 - 88) delimiting the villages of the four subzones mentioned above. Later by the order of 3-12-98 (DOGC No. 2,783 of 10-12-98) expanded the geographical scope of the Costers del Segre Designation of origin with another two subzones: Pallars Jussà and Segrià. Currently according to the order 297/2005 of 20 June 2005 (DOGC num.4417 of 1-07-05) the geographic scope is defined with seven subzones: Artesa de Segre, Urgell, Garrigues, Pallars Jussà, Raimat, Segrià and Valls of the Riucorb.
The Council regulator of the Costers del Segre Designation of origin aims to ensure this winemaking tradition and guarantee the excellent quality of the wines produced in the wineries that are registered.