Of the 106 scored wines, 1 has been considered good (80 to 84 points), 55 very good (85 to 89 points) 49 excellent (90 to 94 points) and 1 exceptional (95 to 100 points) thus recognizing the high quality of the wines in our territory.
The highest score was for Cérvoles Estrats 2012 Cérvoles Celler, who with 95 points entered on the podium of the best wines from the Guide and that they are considered exceptional. The wines of the DO Costers del Segre scored between 90 and 94 points are:
Bodegas Costers del Sió: Alto Siós 2013 (92), Finca Siós 2014 (91), Siós Brut blanc de noirs 2014 (91), Siós Rosé 2014 Brut Reserva (91) and Siós Cau del Gat 2014 (90).
Bodegas Torres: Purgatori 2013 (92).
Castell d’Encús: Ekam Essència Semidulce 2013 (94), Thalarn 2014 (93), Quest 2013 (93), SO2 2014 (93), Taleia 2015 (93), Acusp 2014 (91), Ekam 2015 (90) and Taïka 2012 (90).
Castell del Remei: 1780 ’13 (90) and Oda Negre 2015 (90).
Cérvoles Celler: Cérvoles Estrats 2012 (95) and Cérvoles 2014 (90).
Clos Pons: Clos Pons 812 (93), Roc Nu 2011 (92), Roc de Foc 2013 (91), Alges 2013 (90) and Sisquella 2015 (90).
L’Olivera: Agaliu 2015 (91), Eixaders 2014 (90) and Missenyora 2015 (90).
Lagravera: Ónra MoltaHonra blanc 2014 (92), Ónra Dolç Solera (91), La Pell negre 2014 (90) and Ónra blanc 2015 (90).
Letitvi: Dos Mons 2015 (90).
Mas Blanch i Jové: Saó Expressiu 2010 (92), Saó Bl. 2015 (91) and Saó Abrivat 2012 (90).
Raimat: Raimat 100 2015 (92), Vol d’Ànima de Raimat Rosé 2016 (90) and Raimat Boira 2015 (90).
Sauvella: Mirífica 2009 (91), Qarant 2009 (90) and Luscinia Eximia 2011 (90).
Terrer de Pallars: Conca de Tremp 2015 (90), Conca de Tremp Blanc 2016 (90) and Carràmia 2015 (90).
Tomàs Cusiné: Finca Racons 2015 (93), Geol 2015 (93), Auzells 2016 (92), Finca Comabarra 2012 (92), La Serra del Vent 2016 (92), Finca Barqueres 2015 (91) and Vilosell 2015 (90).
Peñín guide is made by José Peñín, journalist and expert wine in collaboration with a team of professional experts in the world of wine. For several months there have been meticulous tastings of wines from all wine regions offering a view of the Spanish wine scene.
This year the Peñin guide of the wines of Spain 2018 offers information on more than 11,500 tasted wines from more than 2,100 wineries. Highlights once again the quality level of the wines that keeps