Welcome to Costers del Segre

Our D.O.

Getting to know the culture of our wine is the best way to discover the lands of Lleida. A wine that is characterized by its quality and production and by charming wineries located in beautiful natural settings...

The Denomination of Origin Costers del Segre is a mosaic made up of seven territories distributed along the entire basin of the Segre River and the Lleida Pyrenees with the aim of grouping together and giving the viticulture of the province of Lleida its own entity.

Our DO has its own and well-defined characteristics that differentiate it from the others, such as our privileged situation of soils with calcareous composition and a continental climate with Mediterranean influences, which presents strong seasonal and daily thermal oscillations, facts that they make it ideal for growing vines.



Another characteristic is the high ingenuity and imagination of growers and processors in the lands of Lleida. Costers del Segre is a region with modernity and innovation applied to unique and sustainable viticulture.


Our wines

Throughout our DO, the traditional Macabeu and Parellada white wine varieties are predominant. This results in the white wines of the region of Costers del Segre having a classic profile, that is to say, light, fruity and acidulant. The successful acclimatization of Chardonnay in the region has opened the door to wines with more modern characteristics, both young wines or fermented in oak barrels, with a better structure and their varietal character more present.

The main red wines are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, and Pinot Noir, but traditional varieties are also cultivated, mainly Tempranillo, Grenache and Trepat. Within the logical nuances that the land of each area gives its grapes, the red wines of the Costers del Segre DO are characterized by a powerful aroma and balanced flavour while delivering a good tannic expression, and on the palate they are tasty, ample and structured.


Sustainability program

Costers del Segre, the first DO with its own sustainability program, with the aim of continual improvement with the best resources we have today without compromising those of tomorrow, while taking into consideration environmental health, economic viability and social accountability

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Last News

20 wineries and 10 gastronomic tasting spaces will feature in a day of fun and community centered around wine and gastronomy. The Wine Festival of Lleida is an initiative by the Lleida Tourism Board, in collaboration with the Lleida Wine Route and the DO Costers del Segre. Pilar Bosch, the councilor for City Promotion and Culture, presented the Wine Festival of Lleida today, which returns to its pre-pandemic format. Bosch, accompanied by various representatives from wineries and restaurants participating in the 12th Wine Festival, explained that "there is great enthusiasm to bring back this event that combines celebration, community, gastronomy, and the best wines and wineries from the DO Costers del Segre." Additionally, Pilar Bosch noted that "next year's Wine Festival, 2025, will be one of the highlights that the city of Lleida will contribute to the events of Catalunya, World Gastronomy Region, a unique event worldwide, for our country and our city." The Wine Festival of Lleida is an initiative promoted by the Lleida City Council through the Lleida Tourism Board, with collaboration from both the Lleida Wine Route and the DO Costers del Segre. Around twenty wineries from the DO will participate, along with a culinary tasting area featuring about ten more professionals. The festival returns to the Plaça de la Llotja on the last weekend of October, the 26th and 27th, starting on Saturday at 7 PM and continuing into the night. It will resume the next day from noon until 3 PM. On the evening of the 26th, there will be wine tastings, food samples, music, and a unique artistic experience led by Instantropía titled "Everything I Told You with a Glass of Wine." On Sunday, one of the main highlights will be the sound of Garrotín, featuring Colors de Rumba and Dolors Pubill, who will lead a workshop. The program, which is updated as more activities are added, can be consulted on the Lleida Tourism website. Anyone wishing to participate in the wine and vermouth tastings with expert sommeliers must register, either online through the Lleida Tourism website or by calling 973 700 319. The presentation of the 12th Wine Festival was attended by Montse Guardiola, president of the Lleida Wine Route, representatives from the DO Costers del Segre, wineries, restaurants, the bakers' guild, sommeliers participating in the festival, and Colors de Rumba and La Violeta, who provided the music.
Barcelona Wine Week
La denominació d'origen lleidatana protagonitza un tast professional amb David Seijas Fins a dinou cellers de la Denominació d'Origen Costers del Segre participaran aquest any en la Barcelona Wine Week (BWW) entre el dilluns i el dimecres vinent, dies 5 i 7 de febrer respectivament. Així mateix, "aquest any la fira acollirà el tast professional “Passat, present i futur en la criança de vins a la DO Costers del Segre” que serà dirigit pel que va ser un dels sommeliers del Bulli, David Seijas", explica Tomàs Cusiné president de la Denominació d'Origen Costers del Segre. Un tast que tindrà lloc el primer dia de la fira, dimarts, dia 5 de febrer, entre les 16.30 hi les 17.30 hores. Els cellers pertanyents a la DO Costers del Segre que participaran en la BWW són Batlliu de Sort, Carviresa, Castell d'Encús, Castell del Remei, Celler de Sanui, Celler del Montsec, Cérvoles, Clos Pons, Costers del Sió, Lagravera, L'Olivera, Mas Blanch i Jové, Mas Ramoneda, Matallonga, Purgatori, Solana Roivert, Tomàs Cusiné, Vall de Baldomar i Vinya els Vilars. "Des de la denominació d'origen fem molt bona valoració d'aquesta alta participació dels cellers lleidatans que demostra fan vins de qualitat i estan preparats per competir en el sector fent arribar els vins de Lleida a tots els mercats internacionals", afegeix Cusiné. BWW, el saló de referència del vi espanyol de qualitat, compta amb la participació de 950 cellers, de 70 denominacions d'origen o segells de qualitat, espera la visita de 20.000 professionals del sector procedents de 80 països; entre els quals es troben 650 compradors internacionals, convidats per la fira. Una mostra amb més de 7.200 m2, un 15% més que el 2023 tant en xifra d'expositors com en metratge. “Amb només tres edicions, i després de l’èxit de convocatòria registrat, l'organització ja projecta una ampliació d'espai per a 2025 que permeti acollir l'alta demanda d'empreses interessades”, segons va informar ahir l’organització.
Tomàs Cusiné has been re-elected president of the Costers del Segre Denomination of Origin this Tuesday, June 20, after being reinstated the new Board of the Regulatory Council that is formed by: Tomàs Cusiné SL (Tomàs Cusiné), L'Olivera SCCL (Carles de Ahumada Batlle), Joan Boldú Alfonso, Castell del Remei (Xavier Cepero Yeste), Codorniu SA (Joan Esteve Julià),  Don Jesús SA (Jordi Civit Sierra), CAR Vinícolas Reunidas SA (Isidre Ribalta Valls), Batlliu de Sort SL (Josep Maria Rabasa), Costers del Sió SL (Juan Porcioles Buixó), and Vall de Baldomar SL (Marta Porta Bleda). The renewal of the owner of the Tomàs Cusiné Group (Castell del Remei, Cérvoles, Tomàs Cusiné and Cara Nord) has taken place in a single list electoral process. Cusiné has been president of the DO Costers del Segre since December 2018, and now faces a second term with the aim of consolidating the different areas of work of the Regulatory Council. Among the key points of the last mandate, Cusiné highlights: the recovery of Lleida's wine heritage, as is the case of the Trobat project that experiments on the possibilities of this unique variety; the increase in the joint promotion of the denomination and its wines; and the enhancement of the richness and diversity of the seven subzones of the DO Costers del Segre:  Artesa, Garrigues, Pallars, Raimat, Segrià, Urgell and Valls del Riucorb.